About Me
I love Yoga.
My name is Kim and I am a Yoga student, practitioner and teacher. My interest in yoga started when I was about 18 whilst I was still training and dancing professionally and was at that time a physical Āsana focused practice. I developed a serious practice about 10 years ago through Ashtanga, when I settled here in beautiful Dorset and I have continued my journey with Yoga since then, experiencing the beautiful synchronicity of Body, Breath and Mind. Now in my forties, a more appropriate Prānāyāma focused practice is being explored and experienced.
I will always be a student and practitioner of Yoga so wishing to explore and learn more, I was drawn to the origins of Ashtanga as taught to Pattabhi Jois by his teacher Krishnamacharya. It was at a seminar with his grandson Dr Kausthub Desikachar, hosted at DYTC by Sarah Ryan that I finally found my Teacher, tradition and lineage. I have completed my Viniyoga Teacher Training with him at Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation, Chennai, India (and online) and continue to study with him on Patañjali’s Yogasūtra, Bhagavad-gītā and specialised courses, with a plan to continue my studies in Yoga Therapy. I am also studying Vedic Chanting and Patañjalis Yogasūtra with Sarah Ryan.
I did my first teaching training at the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Goa, India (2014) and continued my studies by practising with Lalit Kumar, Manju Jois (Primary Series TT), John Scott, Jane Piddington and Scott Johnson, regularly attending their courses and trainings. I have also completed a course in teaching yoga to children led by Susannah Hoffman at Triyoga, London with a view to starting my own Yoga school for children (watch this space).
I love Yoga and want to pass on the wonderful tools and benefits of Yoga based on the tradition and honouring the lineage from which I am taught. I hope to share the benefits, creating space for exploration and true connection to one’s Self. I believe we are all unique and therefore our own individual practice should be unique to our individual experiences and time of life. Are you ready to be empowered and make a positive change in your lifestyle that will support you through your lifetime? Always happy to chat.

“Yoga is the journey
of the Self,
through the Self,
to the Self.”